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The Shadow #83: Crime Over Boston/Crime Over Miami [Sanctum Books; $14.95] features three stories of The Shadow thwarting evil outside his usual New York haunts. There are two full-length novels and a Shadow radio script in this volume.

Crime Over Boston is by Walter B. Gibson writing as Maxwell Grant.  Its original appearance was in the September 15, 1938 issue of The Shadow Magazine. From the back cover:

The Shadow reverts to his true identity of Kent Allard to end Crime Over Boston.

Crime Over Miami is also by Walter B. Gibson as Maxwell Grant.  Its original appearance was in the November 1, 1940 issue of The Shadow Magazine. From the back cover:

Lamont Cranston teams with his double to unmask the fiend who has organized Crime Over Miami into a mob hurricane!

“Halloween in Vermont” continues the nation-hopping theme with a radio script by Bob Steel writing as Catherine B. Stemler. This episode was originally broadcast on October 29, 1944 over MBS.

In addition to the stories, The Shadow #83 also features terrific new historical essays by Will Murray, one on the stories reprinted in this volume and the other on Frank Blackwell, editor in chief of the Street and Smith pulp magazine and a man sometimes referred to as “The Shadow’s Godfather.”

As with the other Sanctum Books series - Doc Savage, The Whisperer and others - these Shadow adventures are entertaining journeys into the heroic fiction of the pulp era. More Sanctum Books news is on the way.

© 2014 Tony Isabella

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