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The Great War (and "Back of Beyond")

Who on earth would want to wargame the First World War?
It's all suicidal charges, trenches and machine guns, isn't it?
Well, yes, of course it is .. if you only want to game the
Somme or Verdun, but the war was also fought in modern-day
Iraq, East Africa, the Balkans .. all over the place... and that's
not even adding on the Russian Civil War, which lasted six
years and stretched the fighting from the Baltic to the Pacific.
It all began with East Africa, when I built up a small German
Schutztruppe force, using 28mm Brigade Miniatures, Foundry,
Battle Honours and Copplestone Castings figures. Then came
the Turks, pictured below. The idea was, I could use them
against many of the British figures which people painted up
for East Africa, and they could also join in the Club's "Back of
Beyond" campaign, set in Central Asia in the 1920's. The picture
above is them storming a Bolshevik trench at Baku, while the
shots below show the army in the deserts of Palestine a few
years earlier. Johnny Turk is nothing if not versatile...

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